Jenny (00:29)
Do you feel like you're ready to take your flower business to the next level in the next year, but you aren't exactly sure what to take action on in order to make that happen? Or perhaps you feel like you're starting to get a little momentum and you know you are capable of doing so much more, but you're just not sure what to focus on to reach your goals. Well, if you want to start actually making money from your flower business and start paying yourself what you deserve, it's time to stop overthinking
procrastinating and doubting yourself. In today's episode, I'll tell you how I'm going over five steps you can take to work towards building a wildly successful flower farm business in 2025. But before we go any further, I just have to tell you that I accidentally drink caffeinated coffee this morning, which I normally don't do. I normally drink decaf or no coffee at all. And so I hope I don't sound like a crazy person.
telling you all this today in the podcast because I'm feeling jacked up this morning. Like I could probably go rip out an acre of landscape fabric by myself, which I'm not going to do, but that might come through in this podcast a little bit. So anyhow, at the time of recording this, it's the end of 2024 and we are heading into 2025, but no matter when you're listening to this, the same principles will apply. But before we dive into it, I want you to just
take a second and just imagine, play pretend with me for a minute, just imagine that it's a year from now and you've gone through these five steps that I'm about to go through with you and you've grown your business leaps and bounds in just one year. Imagine you're paying yourself or your business is turning a profit or you've at least made a lot of progress towards your big goal, whatever that big goal is.
How would you feel if just a year from now you made huge progress towards your goals? It'd feel amazing, right? It'd feel incredible. Imagine what it'd feel like to feel confident that you're working towards your dreams and you're developing a crazy amount of self-worth because you're in it and you're doing the work to get there. It's gonna feel incredible. But you could also be, a year from now, not taking action on
Any of these things I'm going to go over with you and you could be exactly where you are right now. That's a choice that you have to make. So as we go through these five steps to build a wildly successful business, I want you to remember that you can listen to this podcast episodes and go on about your day, never really coming back to it or taking action on any of things we talk about. Or you can listen to it and take action on the steps I'm telling you to take and come out a year from now.
with a completely different life. It's your choice. So let's start going through them. These are five main things that really stand out that successful flower farmers focus on. And I have found that these five principles are the main reasons why some flower farmers fail and other ones flourish. And they're literally just steps that you can take to move towards your business goals. So let's go through them. The first one is managing your money right.
So money management sounds difficult, but it's actually really pretty simple to earn a profit. You simply have to spend less than you earn. Just stop overspending. know easier said than done, but the way that you do this is you just make a budget and you stick to it. You make a literal budget and then you just adhere to it throughout the season.
And I know it's easier said than done, but for me, like this far into my business, that's literally all I do. And of course, there's always unexpected things that might come up. There's always risk involved. But like generally, I just make a budget at the beginning of the growing season. I try to stick to it as best that I can, like understanding that things will fluctuate and ebb and flow.
And then by the end of the season, you know, if numbers aren't looking where I want them to be, like I make some adjustments with our spending and sometimes I'll try to do an extra little push for sales, but it doesn't have to be complicated. But really the biggest thing is just to stop overspending. Like I talked to a lot of beginning farmers and a lot of them tell me that they're spending like
hundreds of thousands of dollars on like new barns or like huge pieces of equipment or brand new coolers. And it's like, makes me cringe a little bit because like if you have the money to do that, great. But if you don't and you're like me and like don't have a ton of money when you were starting out, like you just got to get a little scrappy with it and stop overspending. So it's really simple for me now at the state my business is in. I'm really established like
I make a budget, I stick to it. And I know that when you're first starting out, it's a lot different. You have a lot of startup expenses. You might not necessarily earn a profit at first because you have to buy a flower cooler and a greenhouse and perennial plants or whatever you need to buy for your business. But I would argue that despite that, you can still be earning a profit on your business because you can be totally scrappy at first and you can earn a profit early on.
Like nothing I ever bought or had in like my first five years of business was new. If you've ever come to one of my in-person workshops or farm tours, or you have been to one, you know that my farm was built on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace buys. And it's not sexy. We don't have like the nicest looking things or the best stuff, but like that's what it took for me to build a business in the black. side note here in the black just means profitably.
Cause also I didn't know what that meant when I first started a business, but, if someone says that they're running in the red, that's bad. That means they're not profitable, but if they say they're in the black, that's good. It just means that you're earning more than you're spending. So anyhow, not overspending and buying things within my budget. So I could be profitable and take that money and either pay myself or invest it back into things that would make the business money in the future was.
what it took for me to build a profitable business. And another part of this is just avoiding that shiny object syndrome. Like I love flowers and plants as much as you, but trying to be disciplined with purchasing what your business really needs versus what you just want is key. So understanding your customer base and understanding like what it's going to take for you to grow for them to buy is a big part of that. And
not getting caught off guard and, know, seeing the brand new, you know, peony variety or brand new Dahlia variety that's like $50 a tuber and buying that when your customer really couldn't care less. Like that's the distinction that I'm trying to make here. So of course you can always buy things that you want for your own enjoyment, because of course you love flowers, but being disciplined and making the distinction between what your business needs and what you want.
So you can get your spending under control and manage your money correctly so you can make more money than you spend or earn more money than you spend. So you make a profit. So that is the first step in really moving your business towards the profitable and successful business that you want is managing your money correctly. Now let's move on to step number two. That is focusing.
on profitable products. So here it's important to know and understand your numbers. A lot of people just grow flowers because Floret highlights them in her course or grows them or has pictures of them on her website or because you see other people growing certain flowers but you really need to look deeper and unearth whether a flower is profitable for you to grow or not.
A good example of this is in episode number 16 of the Six Figure Flower Farming podcast, I sat down with Julia Keele, who is an amazing grower in Florida. And she doesn't grow ranunculus. And we talk about this on the podcast if you want to go back and listen, that's episode number 16. But ranunculus are not profitable for her in her climate in Florida. They just aren't.
But they are for me, where I live in New York, I grow a ton of Ranunculus. It's our number one grossing flower that we have on the farm. And so we have very different businesses in different places. And so it just goes to show that you really need to unearth what's profitable for you on your farm and then focusing on
So if you fill your farm up with flowers that either aren't earning you a huge profit or are losing your money, then your farm by default is just not going to be earning a big profit. The flowers that you're growing that are just breaking even or maybe losing your money, like that space that they're taking up on your farm could be replaced with flowers that make a ton of money, you know, making you and your farm a lot more money. So looking at this through the lens of the space, like the
bed space on your farm, the square footage of that, how much money is that making you and how hard is that working for you? And a distinction I want to make here with this is looking at real numbers, not just how profitable something looks on paper. So in my online course, Six Figure Flower Farming, I teach my students how to calculate the profitability of the flowers they grow so they know which ones are the most profitable for them and which ones
are the least profitable so they can make strategic decisions on what to focus on. So we do that both on paper but also looking at our real numbers, actual sales numbers in real life. Because they're two different things. Your most profitable flowers on paper could be flowers that are not a huge seller for you and don't actually.
make you a lot of money. So you have to look at what your top sellers are, like what's actually bringing in revenue and what your customers are buying versus what is like physically putting money in your pocket. So, okay, here's a good example of this. And this is a conversation I had with one of my fellow veggie farmer friends. So they grow vegetables on, they sell at the same farmer's market as me. And I was kind of having a conversation with them on this one day and they were telling me that
Parsley is their most profitable crop on paper because they get so many bunches of parsley from one little growing bed. So one bed of parsley just makes a ton of bunches and they can sell those bunches for like a decent price or whatever. But like how much parsley can you really sell? Like are you gonna sell hundreds of bunches of parsley at a farmer's market? Like no, probably not. So.
That's what I teach in six figure flower farming is looking through that data on paper and looking at your actual sales numbers and fleshing out what to really focus on in your business. so understanding what makes a flower profitable for you and then focusing on that is going to make a huge difference in the profitability of your business. And this is something that can still be hard for me mentally. Like I like to think that I am totally ruthless.
about the numbers and everything. you know, just this year, I still grew a geratum because on paper has a lot of potential to be profitable for me. And I just I really love it. But in reality, it's not. And so it's gotten the X for next year. So all that to say, you know, it's still hard for all of us established growers as well. Like we still have that shiny object syndrome. We still have flowers that we're partial to even though they, know,
might not be huge sellers or super profitable, but it's all a work in progress. So don't feel bad if you're still growing a lot of flowers that you suspect might not be making you that much money like we all do it. You just kind of have to like sit down, go through the numbers and make some strategic decisions here. But in summary, finding and focusing on your most profitable flowers will really propel your farm forward by increasing your bottom line so you can earn what you need to run the farm effectively and
pay yourself well. So moving on to step number three and moving towards building a wildly successful flower farm in the next coming year is marketing your business. Like actually marketing your business. Like so many flower farmers just don't really do this or don't really know how and that's, I've totally been there so I get it. But you need to commit to learning how to market your business.
You could grow the most beautiful flowers in the world, but if you can't get them out into the hands of people that really love them and appreciate them, then your business is going nowhere. Like it's gonna fail. So people try to make marketing, you know, people who teach marketing try to make it sound intimidating and scary. And like there's all these secrets and high tech strategies. And I'm here to tell you that it's really not like it can be really, really simple.
And yeah, there are a million different ways and different methods and strategies to market your business. Sure. But you just need to choose something to focus on, which should be something that gets you results and the highest returning type of marketing and just follow through with actually doing it. And by the way, if this is something that you really need some guidance on or you feel clueless about or you want more direction,
I'm actually teaching a free marketing masterclass on this the first week of January, 2025. It's called What to Do When You Love the Growing Part, but Selling is a Struggle, Three Steps to Master Flower Farm Marketing Without Spending All Day on Social Media. So I'm doing that for free. It's just a free training the first week of January. So if you want to dive deeper into this topic, you can sign up at forward slash masterclass. also throw a link in the show notes episode.
for you to just click on too. But in that master class training, I'm going over what you need to do if you're like me and would rather be outside in the field cutting flowers, but you know that you need to master marketing in order to have success with your business. And I'm gonna go over what to focus on, what to do, marketing strategies that actually work for hyper local flower farms like yours and mine.
It's a virtual live training, so feel free to just pause this episode and go sign up now at forward slash masterclass. But the final thing I want to mention about marketing your business is to just understand that it generally just takes time. Like if you learn how to actually market your flower farm, like the strategies that you want to focus on, the ones that actually work.
then, and I can help you with that, then just following through with it consistently. So you just need to make a marketing plan and follow through with it. I think one of the biggest challenges we have as flower farmers and entrepreneurs in general is that we wear so many hats. know, we're the growers, we're the entomologists, we're the soil scientists, we're the weathermen, we're...
horticulturalists, you know, we wear all these hats where we also have to be business owners. We have to, you know, manage employees and manage our schedules. We have to do the marketing and the sales and the websites and the taxes and all that. We wear so many hats that we tend to prioritize the tasks that we feel most comfortable with, which would be, you know, growing or working on our crop plan or being out in the fields, planting and weeding and harvesting.
And because those are the tasks that we feel like we're best at and we're most comfortable with these other really important things like marketing sales tend to fall to the bottom of the to-do list when really those are the things that move our business forward the most. And they're the ones we really should be prioritizing.
Jenny (17:06)
Hey, I'm interrupting this conversation really quick to ask you an important question. Do you love the growing part of flower farming, but find that selling is a real struggle? I get it. We didn't become flower farmers because we love sitting behind a desk, writing marketing copy, or crunching numbers all day. And yes, even me, your go-to business person, of course I would rather be out in the greenhouse than sitting on my computer doing quote unquote business tasks. But here's the thing.
The selling and marketing and the business side is what's going to make your flower farm successful. You could grow the most beautiful flowers in the world, but if you don't develop the skills to market and sell them, well, you won't be in business for long. So if you're like me and you'd much rather be out in the field getting your hands dirty, working in the sunshine and cutting bucket loads of flowers, but you know you gotta market and sell your flowers to make a profit.
but you're maybe just not sure what that looks like, how to do it, how to find the time, or where to even start, then listen up.
It's time to take your business to the next level. My online business course called Six Figure Flower Farming is launching the first week of January and to celebrate, I'm hosting a free flower marketing masterclass called What to Do When You Love Growing Flowers but Selling is a Struggle, Three Steps to Master Flower Farm Marketing Without Spending All Day on Social Media. This masterclass will cover how marketing and selling
doesn't have to feel sleazy or salesy, and how to make a genuine connection with your potential customers, how to actually find time to market and sell your flowers between all your farming to-dos, how to feel confident with what actually works for hyper local flower farm businesses, and how to get the most bang for your buck. And you can learn how to do.
all of this without spending all day on social media, wondering how the hell to get more customers or feeling scared or afraid of selling and putting yourself out there. So this free masterclass training is for you if you're tired of wasting time on social media marketing that doesn't work, you feel like you have zero time for marketing and selling yourself and you want a clear path to easily sell your flowers.
Plus, if you show up to this live training, you'll get a free bonus, my favorite business book list that has a list of the books that literally changed my life. But you only get that bonus if you show up live to the masterclass training. You can sign up for this free masterclass by heading to forward slash masterclass. I'll put a link in the show notes of this episode so you can just click it and head over to sign up. All you gotta do is stick your name, email in there and you'll be in.
So go to forward slash masterclass or click the link in the show notes of this episode. Now back to our regularly scheduled conversation.
Jenny (20:00)
And because those are the tasks that we feel like we're best at and we're most comfortable with these other really important things like marketing sales tend to fall to the bottom of the to-do list when really those are the things that move our business forward the most. And they're the ones we really should be prioritizing.
And so just creating a plan and following it is just, it sounds so simple, but like that's really the basic thing that you have to do.
to move your business forward. And again, I can help you with all that stuff. So, making a plan to market your business and following through with it. Moving on to step number four. This one is optimizing your business for sales. And this often gets overlooked, but it's really so important. So, sales are the lifeblood of your business. Without marketing your business, no one's gonna know about you.
But once people know about you, you have to actually capture those sales from them. And without sales, your business ain't going nowhere. Stuck faster than my wheelbarrow in my very muddy field last year in the summer when it rained for 1,000 days in a row. It's not going anywhere if you can't get those sales. And sales doesn't have to be like this sleazy, yucky feeling thing.
is just connecting your product with people who want what you're selling. That's all it is. You don't have to overthink it. It doesn't have to be complicated. And you just have to take simple steps to get there. And it's just a learning curve. You just have to learn the skills that come with sales. But like one example here, one thing that I focus on is optimizing my website to capture leads, which is just a fancy term.
for getting potential customers interested in what I'm doing, what I sell, which is our flowers. And this is also something I teach in my online course, Six Figure Flower Farming, but it really comes down to just grabbing a potential customer's interest right away and showing them that I can help them get what they want. I can help them achieve the feelings that they want, that they get through having flowers in their house or buying them. And so they can make a connection with me immediately
that will eventually lead to a relationship and them buying from me down the road. And so yeah, there's a lot of little tips and tricks that you can do on your website pages and your website copy, which are just words that you use to sell the buttons you use on your website, the placement of the buttons and looking at the data from this on your website and your website traffic that will lead to making more decisions so you can get more customers.
to actually buy from you and capture more sales. And one example of this is if you go to my website,, you know, on pretty much every page of my website, you will find a place that allows people to get on my email list in exchange for some sort of freebie. So right now, I think it's, sometimes I change it, but right now it's a guide to making flowers last longer because a lot of my customers at the farmer's market, they'd always ask me like, how do I make these last?
or how long are these flowers gonna last? And I can always be like, well, if you go to my website or scan this QR code and you can get this freebie, just put in your email address to get on our email list. Or if they land on my website, doing a Google search for flowers, this freebie will come up and they can put their email in and they'll get the guide. And then I have them on my email list and I have a way to communicate with them.
to communicate my values, what we're all about, make a connection with them that will eventually lead to sales. And this is done strategically. Like there is a reason this is on every page of my website. Because if I can get customers on my email list, I can sell to them so much more easily through my email marketing, but specifically through sales launches. So when I say that,
Step number four is optimizing your business for sales. It's doing things like putting those email opt-ins on your website and then using sales launches to make sales. And so a sales launch is you're basically just building up a big buzz of excitement around a product that you're selling and then releasing it on a certain date to generate a lot of sales at once.
So we do this with Dalia tubers, which by the way, we'll be on sale sometime in February this year. think shameless plug there, but anyways, we do a sales launch with our Dalia tubers, our CSA program and mother's day sales. I've also done it in the past with our events, like our bulk buckets or when we used to do DIY flowers or I shouldn't say DIY flowers, but, a la cart wedding services. So we don't do those anymore, but I have.
a step by step strategy that I use to generate a lot of excitement when I go to sell our CSAs for example. So I have a strategy that I have written out with the number of emails I send out, when I send them, what the emails say,
And we probably generate around somewhere around $75,000 in sales a year on average, just from email launches. And so that's what I mean when I say optimizing your business for sales. You have a set sales strategy in place step by step, just having that to follow. And if this is something that you're interested in, I give this away and my online course, Six Figure Flower Farming.
But moving on to the last step in this five step process, step number five is mastering your mindset.
Success requires a shift in your thinking from a hobby mindset to a CEO mindset. You just simply cannot build a successful, profitable flower farm business without thinking like an entrepreneur. So, you know, of course just thinking about how much you love flowers and how fascinating it is to grow them, it's of course important, but it's not gonna get you to the level you wanna be if you wanna actually make money doing this.
Shifting to that CEO mindset requires focusing on developing a clear vision, strategic thinking about what choices to make that will lead you down a fast path to your goals, learning to delegate tasks, constantly reevaluating your goals and what's happening within your business, all of that rather than just enjoying growing flowers for personal pleasure.
They are two very different things. And that doesn't mean that you just like throw out your passion for love and growing flowers. It's just tweaking the way you look at things and tweaking the way you think about it. So for instance, like I was recently just starting another round of vernunculus to go in the ground for spring bloom. I plant in the fall and throughout the winter in our high tunnels. So we have really early spring flowers and I
Just love it so much. Like I freaking love growing those weird little quorums. They were just fascinating to me. And as I was getting them going in the greenhouse the other day, I was just so like happy to be doing it. I genuinely really love doing it. And I obsess over the varieties. I love like those huge cloney ranunculus, but I don't really grow them because the cost just doesn't make sense for my clientele.
And OK, when I say don't grow them, I do usually grow a handful just for myself every year, like literal handful that I just grow for me to cut and put in my own kitchen because I love them so much. But the other 7,000 that we grow are different varieties that I know my customers will love and are willing to pay for. And so that's part of making strategic decisions.
As a business owner, I looked hard at what my customers wanted and what they were willing to pay for. They are not willing to pay $9 a stem for a cloney vernunculus. Like they would think that I was insane, but they are willing to pay like three, three and a half dollars for like pretty much the same type of vernunculus, but a different variety that's way more affordable for me to buy and grow. And so I'm looking at strategically what I should be growing.
for my customers to buy from me and for my business to make a profit rather than just what I thought was cool. And that also comes back to like that shiny object syndrome that I feel like I talk about a lot and it's always hard, it's hard for all of us no matter what stage of business you're in, I get it. But just shifting your mindset and how you're looking at what you're growing and how much you're growing and all those kinds of things. Another facet of this mindset thing is letting
fear hold you back, like not letting fear of failure stop you from moving forwards.
And this has been a huge thing for me personally. Over the years, I used to be so afraid of failing. When I was thinking about doing this full time, I was just paralyzed with fear. What if I fail? What happens? know, blah, blah. Now I'm like, if I try something and I fail, so what? What's the big deal? And I've gotten really good at this over the years. I just ask myself, what's the worst that can happen?
And I've talked about this before on the podcast, but there is one exercise in particular that I really like doing. If I have something like this come up in my life where I have a really big decision to make and it feels really scary and I find that the fear of failure is really holding me back. I do something called a fear setting exercise and it's just a simple like walkthrough exercise where you basically ask yourself questions like this, like
What's the worst that can happen? If the worst does happen, how do I get out of that? How do I change things? So if you want to do that exercise, I have a free downloadable worksheet that it'll take you through the whole process and all the steps. Just go to forward slash fear, and you can just pop in your name and email address and I'll send it right to your email. again, that's forward slash fear. But.
You know, if you find that you are in that mindset of being really scared, like that's totally normal. That's everybody goes through it, but just ask yourself, like, if I start this flower farm and it fails, like what's the worst that happens? Like probably the worst is like you learned a lot about flowers, about business and yourself. And you know, if it fails, the really only way it can fail is if you figure out that it's something that you don't really want to do. Like it's not for you.
Or maybe you just find a different way to go about it. Like entrepreneurs embrace risk as an opportunity for growth and learning instead of just letting things stop them. And entrepreneurs are obsessed with growth and learning. They have this growth mindset that never tires. True entrepreneurs really seek out opportunities for self-development.
Like I'm always looking for opportunities to learn and to grow myself, like my own self-development. I am constantly investing and learning new things, learning new skills, and just in my own self-development more than anything else. And it has paid off way more than I can tell you. And not just like, not financially, like of course, yes, that is a part of it, like financially and in the success of my businesses, but mostly with my self-worth.
Like being an entrepreneur and having that mindset growth has had to happen as a result of me being a business owner. And it has made me wildly confident. What I never really was when I was younger, younger, like I was pretty insecure. I really didn't have a lot of self-worth, but going through the tough times as a business owner has really flipped that for me. Like I have no question about my self-worth now.
I have done really, really hard things. I have faced really challenging situations and I have had to face really, really scary to skit decisions as a farm owner and a business owner. And I've done things that a lot of people aren't willing to do or won't do because it makes them feel bad. And that makes me feel really, really good about myself. Like it never would have happened to me if I stayed in that hobby mindset.
and didn't shift my mindset to think more like a real business owner and taking my business really seriously and telling myself like other people do it. So why can't I? And so I really encourage you to look at your mindset and really work on your mindset and tell yourself like, yes, I can do this. Believe in yourself and know that if you're meant to do this, like you can find a way to make it happen. And there's people out there.
that will help you do it. Like I can help you do it. I can show you the way. But in summary, these are the five steps that you can take to build a wildly successful business in 2025 and beyond. And they are number one, managing your money right. Number two, focusing on profitable products. Number three, marketing your business.
Number four, optimizing your business for sales. And number five, mastering your mindset. And I know that these steps might sound a little intimidating or you don't know where to start or you're not sure what steps to take within those buckets of steps that you need to take moving forward. And that's totally normal. And there's nothing wrong with you. This is how everyone starts out. And just a reminder that no one starts out knowing any of this stuff. And some of us learn.
The hard way like me and others like you have the opportunity to learn from those that have come before you.
I encourage you to learn this stuff from people who have a lot of experience with it and can teach you what to focus on and what pitfalls to avoid. And there's a lot of noise out there. You guys there really is. but just find somebody who's done what you've done before and learn from them, take the steps that they've taken and you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can follow in somebody else's footsteps.
And you know, all these things that I've talked about today, these five steps to take to grow a successful business, these are all things that I teach in my online course, Six Figure Flower Farming. I teach about mindset, understanding your numbers, how to make and stick to a budget, finding your most profitable offerings, marketing, sales. And I really take my students on a step-by-step journey, showing them how to take action.
on these different steps. like actually give you homework. Like I give you action assignments, things to physically do to move forward with these. And it includes real examples and tutorials and spreadsheets and templates that you can use. And I give you my step-by-step launch strategy and exactly what to do to optimize your website for sales and just a ton of other stuff too. And I want you to remember back in the beginning of this episode, when I asked you to think about
what your life would look like a year from now if you took action on these five steps to building your dream flower farm business. Just imagine a year from now if you actually followed through on following these steps and you actually achieved your 2025 goals or at least made massive progress towards them. Like how would that feel? You'd probably feel like a different person. You could be living a different life or at least
well on your way to living a different life a year from now if you take action. And here is your chance. This is your chance to take action and follow a proven roadmap to get there. If you want to dive deeper into this, I am hosting a free masterclass training called What to Do When You Love the Growing Part, But Selling is a Struggle, Three Steps to Master Flower Farm Marketing Without Spending All Day on Social Media.
and I'm doing this free training the first week of January 2025, and I would love to have you join me. And all you have to do is sign up for free at forward slash masterclass. I'll also put a link in the show notes of this episode so you can just click and it'll send you right over to the page to register for it. All you gotta do is put your name and email in and you will be registered and I'll email you the link to join us for the masterclass. So if you're the type of person
who takes their dreams and their goals very seriously, and you want to actually change your life for the better, taking advantage of this free opportunity is going to massively help you get there. So I really hope I see you at the Masterclass training. And again, the link to sign up to join that is forward slash masterclass. So thanks for being here for another episode, and I hope I see you next week in the next episode of the next Six Figure Flower Farming Podcast.
Jenny (37:35)
One last thing, don't forget to sign up for the free masterclass training happening the first week of January. It's called what to do when you love the growing part, but selling is a struggle. Three steps to master flower farm marketing without spending all day on social media. Sign up now at forward slash masterclass, or by clicking the link in this episode show notes. And you probably already know this, but I struggled so hard with marketing my business when I first started.
which is why I'm doing this free training because I want you to have the tools you need to thrive. So go to forward slash masterclass or click the link in this episode show notes. And I really hope I see you there.